
Posts Tagged ‘breasts implants’

I am not sure what and how much Islam has contributed to the modern science, but sure I am that the religion of Piece (no spell mistake) has used science to perfect the art of killing Kafirs.

I do not blame Muslims as this is what has been mandated by their Allah and his ‘piece’ loving Messenger. Killing us all is their religious duty and  nothing stops them from discharging their religious duty.

We all have heard of Human Bombs but they just do not stop here they have invented or are working on to perfect the ‘art of killing infidels’ (Sic!) using every curve or crevice of human body- both male and female.

Not long ago we were introduced to Al Queda ‘Ass’assin brigade followed by ‘Penis Bomber’ now they are perfecting Bosom Bombers!!!!

Among all the above mentioned Great Islamic Bombers I am very concerned about ‘The Penis Bombers’! Why, you ask? Well what the fuck ‘Penis Bomber’ would do in Heaven -with all those 72 ‘eternal virgins’ and beautiful ‘kohl’ eyed hairless boys- with their ‘penises’ blown away!

Think Please. 🙂

Here is link to Kanchan Gupta’s post on the same subject, must read. Islam’s stockpile of human bombs.

Now I for one want to say only this…and the pic below say all.


Breasts Not Bombs

Breasts Not Bombs

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